Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New Mommy Spring Outfits!

As a new Mom, I want to hide my tummy a bit until I get it into serious shape!
So for now, I have some found some great buys to help me feel good about myself while I slim down!



Monday, April 21, 2014

Motivation for the Day!


You're Welcome Ladies!

DIY Sensory Boards for Babies and Toddlers

Being a Stay at Home Mom can be exhausting! And when my twins both start screaming, it can be overwhelming. Even though they are only four months old, I want them to have as much educational stimulation as possible...enter: Sensory Boards.
As I searched Pinterest, the modern day encyclopedia for Moms, I came across this website that shows a lot of different options and recommendations!
Watch for me to post my Sensory Board! :)

All Photos from Fun At Home With Kids

Thursday, April 17, 2014

DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner...Genius!

After I saw the Bare Minerals price for their brush cleaner, I searched for a DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner...but I kept finding ones with Olive Oil in them...yuck!
I have a tendency to breakout and the last thing I wanted was EVOO all over my face!
 So I came up with a version that is much more complexion friendly,
while keeping with the brushes conditioning needs...
All you need is:
Coconut Oil (I used Trader Joe's which is Organic & inexpensive!)
Dish Soap (I used Dawn to reduce the grease/oil residue)
In a shallow dish, blend the Coconut Oil and Dish Soap together
**TIP: I warmed the plate in the microwave before adding the Coconut Oil so that it would melt into a liquid before adding the Dish Soap**
Swirl your brush in the mixture and massage into bristles
Rinse the bristles either under the faucet or using a bowl of warm water
**My brushes were filthy, so I had to repeat this several times**
Once the water runs clear, squeeze out any excess water and lay on a paper towel to dry overnight

Let's all keep our beautiful faces fresh and clear!

My Journey Begins...Will You Come Along?

On April 15, 2014, I made a decision to change my life...this is my journey...

Nearly two years ago, my weight loss plateaued. My brother had done P90X and was doing Insanity at the time, a Beachbody program for those not familiar with it, and was seeing some impressive results. I decided to borrow my brother's P90X program and see if this could help with my weight loss.

I saw immediate results! A friend of mine who is a Beachbody Coach sent me a Facebook message when she saw that I was using one of the programs and recommended that I use Shakeology, their protein/meal replacement system. Once I incorporated that, the plateau was over! I lost an additional 25 pounds on the P90X program! I was thrilled! So what happened...why am I starting this journey again?

The whole story...

My then-boyfriend was in Afghanistan at the time that I was doing this program, which was the Summer & Fall of 2012. In the two months leading up to his return on January 28, 2013, I started to get very anxious. This anxiety led me to fall off the health & fitness wagon completely! I gained a total of 35 pounds over the months leading up to his homecoming and the few months after he had returned home. I was unmotivated and wanting to spend all my time with him, not working out or cooking meals...but that is no way to live a healthy life!

In May of 2013, we were engaged! Now I was motivated! We had planned for a September 2013 wedding and I had BIG plans for getting my ass in shape! Well, God had other plans for us...and we found out we were pregnant on June 6, 2013...with twins...this was a game changer!!!

As a military family, we already knew we were going to be stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado (which was supposed to occur December 2013) and I was going to need to leave my job and health insurance in November...that just wasn't going to work since these babies weren't due until January 30, 2014! So at three months pregnant with twins, and after a mere three weeks of planning, I walked down the aisle and we were married on June 29, 2013.

Two weeks prior to my wedding, I was put on "pelvic rest", which meant no working out, standing on my feet too long, or sex... poor timing for a honeymoon! This pelvic rest lasted the duration of my pregnancy...which did not last 9 months. I went into the hospital in labor on November 29, 2013 and laid in a hospital bed until 10:45 pm on December 9, 2013 when my labor could no longer be stopped. My twins were born at 32 weeks and 4 days...nearly two months early!

Due to their early arrival, they were sent directly to the NICU...not ideal! I was so unhappy with my postpartum body that I told my husband that all I wanted for Christmas was the new P90X3 program (designed for a 30 minute workout instead of a 60 minute workout like the original), and I wanted the Challenge pack because I knew I NEEDED Shakeology! I was released on December 12th but the babies remained in the hospital for 5 weeks and we visited everyday for 5-8 hours and I had a standard recovery period of 6 weeks. By the time I was able to start working out again, I was VERY WEAK! I tried a workout and was so depressed by how I did...I was getting short of breath just going up and down the stairs at home and felt like I had ZERO muscle tone...now what?

For me, I started slowly...I began walking with the babies and even though that was exhausting for me, it was a start! After a couple of weeks of walking, I was ready to try again...this was two days ago.

So let's get to the more important numbers....

I had 80 pounds to lose to attain my goal weight, which probably will not even be my ultimate goal weight. Since starting Shakeology 9 days ago, I have lost 10 pounds! That's will just paying attention to what I eat, swapping my lunch out for Shakeology, and taking 4 walks with the babies...so now I have 70 pounds to lose...I CAN do this and SO CAN YOU!

How much more or less will you weigh tomorrow? Do you want to join me on this journey?

I am not sharing my story because I am perfect...I don't even have my "After" photos yet...I am sharing my story to inspire you...to gain support...to join together to become healthy and happy!

Please use the Contact Me form below if you are interested in participating with me and/or joining a challenge group! I am also happy to answer any questions!

Check Out My Beachbody Coach Page for Details